
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X


Section Maxwell
Type block

The initial electromagnetic fields can be set by the user with the UserDefinedMaxwellStates block variable. The electromagnetic fields have to fulfill the Maxwells equations in vacuum.


   formula | 2 | "magnetic_field" | "-1/P_c * sin(x)"
   formula | 3 | "electric_field" | " sin(x) "

The second column specifies the component of the dimension of the electric field and magnetic field. The first column indicates that column four should be interpreted as a formula for the corresponding state. P_c is the speed of light constant.

Alternatively, if column one states file the electric field and magnetic field will be read from the files given in column four.

   file | 3 | electric_field | "/path/to/file_electric_field_of_dimension_3"
   file | 2 | magnetic_field | "/path/to/file_magnetic_field_of_dimension_2"

The third option to define the initial state inside the box is to extend the plane waves used as incident waves in the MaxwellIncidentWaves block, as follows:



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